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Faculty Details

Dr. Bindu KR
Assistant Professor and Head of the Department
   M Sc, Ph D
   Material Science
DesignationAssistant Professor and Head of the Department
Edu. qualificationM Sc, Ph D
SpecializationMaterial Science
Area of InterestNano Phosphors
Interest Status1

1.         Formation and photoluminescence of ZnS:Tb nanoparticles stabilized by polyethylene glycol, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 42, Part 2, 2021, Pages 563-566,


2.         Optimized synthesis temperature and doping concentration of copper in zinc sulphide nanoparticles for green emission, Materials science in semiconductor processing, Volume121, January 2021, 105317,


3.         Highly luminescent ZnS:Mn quantum dots capped with aloe vera extract, Solid State CommunicationsVolume 323, January 2021, 114106,


4.         Effect of Dopant Precursor Solutions on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnS:CuNanophosphors, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 20, 1–7, 2020, doi:10.1166/jnn.2020.17481.


5.         Synthesis and characterization of Cu dopedZnS nanoparticles by wet chemical method, AIP Conference Proceedings 2082, 030009 (2019); Published Online: 22 March 2019,


6.         Greenish yellow emission from wurtzite structured ZnS:Cenanophosphor, synthesized at low temperature, Journal of Luminescence 192 (2017) 123–128,


7.         Enhanced Biocompatibility of ZnS: Mn Quantum Dots Encapsulated with Aloe Vera Extract for Therapeutic Applications, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 25, No. 8 (2016) 088103, DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/25/8/088103.


8.         Optical properties of ZnS:Mnnano crystals synthesized by chemical precipitation method, Journal of current studies (JCS), ISSN 2277-2707.


9.         Structural and Optical Properties of White Light Emitting ZnS:Mn2+ Nanoparticles at Different Synthesis Temperatures, Journal of Fluorescence, 25 (2015), 795–801, DOI 10.1007/s10895-015-1590-5.


10.       α-Axis oriented ZnS thin film synthesized by dip coating method, J Sol-Gel SciTechnol. 68 (2013), 351–355, DOI: 10.1007/s10971-013-3177-4.


11.       Nanostructured ZnS powders with strong confinement effects prepared by colloidal precipitation method, International Journal of Physica E, PII: S1386-9477(12) 00327-X.

12.       Pure red luminescence and concentration-dependent tunable emission color from europium-doped zinc sulfide nanoparticles, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron,


1.         Orientation Programme from 11.01. 2021 to 09.02.2021conducted by Ministry of Education, Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.


2.         One week short term course on Extrapolations through the Extraordinary:Broadening Perspectives on Magic and Magicalityconducted by SSV College in association with Mahatma Gandhi University.


3. Online course “Online Teaching- Learning for Beginners” from jointly organised by the Department of Botany and Physics, KKTM Government College, Pullut, Kodungalloor.


4.         One week short term FDP (Iinterdisciplinary on DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR E- LEARNING )organised by SreeNarayanaMangalam college Maliankara in collaboration with Kerala State Higher Education Council from August 05.08.2021 to 11.08.2021.



1.         Formation and photoluminescence of ZnS:Tb nanoparticles stabilized by polyethylene glycol, Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (ICRAMM 2020) Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India, 20 - 21, November 2020.


2.         Synthesis of nanostructured   Cu doped ZnSnanoparticles  by Wet chemical method, Inter university centre for nanomaterials and device CUSAT, 3-5 January  2019.


3.         Optical properties of  ZnS:Mn2+ nanocrystals synthesized by chemical precipitation method, UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Nanomaterials” at SreeSankaraVidyapeetom College, Perumbavoor, 09-10 July   2015.


4.         Structure and Optical Characterisation of Pure and Manganese doped Zinc sulphideNanophosphor, UGC Sponsored National Conference on Frontiers in Nano Technology at SreeSankaraVidyapeetom College, Perumbavoor, 06-07 Mar 2014.


5.         Effect of Deposition Temperature on Structural & Optical Properties of ZnS thin film, National Conference in on Advances Materials Science: Macro to Nano Scales (NCAMS 2012), Union Christian College, Aluva/India, 16-17 March  2012.


6.         Effect of Synthesis Temperature on Photoluminescence of ZnS : Mn Nanoparticles, International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials 2014 at CSIR –CSIR – National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram/India, 19-21 Feb 2014.


7.         Synthesis of Nanostructured ZnS thin film, The Second International Conference on Optoelectronic Materials and Thin films for Advanced Technology (OMTAT 2013), CUSAT/India, 03-05 Jan 2013.


8.         Synthesis and Characterisation of ZnS Quantum dots by Vet Chemical Method, International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology at University of Delhi,18-21 Dec 2011.


9.         Synthesis of Zinc SulphideNanoparticals by sol-gel method, Third International Conference on Frontiers in nanoscience and Technology CUSAT/India, 14-17 Aug 2011.



1.   Preparation and characterisation of nanophosphors,  U G C Minor Project (MRP(S) – 337/12-13/KLMG044/UGC- SWRO  


1.         Orientation Programme from 11.01. 2021 to 09.02.2021conducted by Ministry of Education, Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.


2.         One week short term course on Extrapolations through the Extraordinary:Broadening Perspectives on Magic and Magicalityconducted by SSV College in association with Mahatma Gandhi University.


3. Online course “Online Teaching- Learning for Beginners” from jointly organised by the Department of Botany and Physics, KKTM Government College, Pullut, Kodungalloor.


4.         One week short term FDP (Iinterdisciplinary on DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR E- LEARNING )organised by SreeNarayanaMangalam college Maliankara in collaboration with Kerala State Higher Education Council from August 05.08.2021 to 11.08.2021.

Programs Availed

FDP programme availed from March 2016 to March 2018.


Academy of Physics Teachers Kerala

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